Tuesday, February 5, 2008

We know 'Lost in the Mail'

In southern Illinois this week, a judge is wanting answers to the question: "Where's the mail?'

Postal officials are looking for about 1,800 pieces of mail sent by a candidate to Massac County residents that never arrived over the weekend. Now, the court is jumping in and demanding answers. The Paducah Sun Online at http://www.paducahsun.com/ has an article this morning where you can read the details.

We in the newspaper business have mail missing every week. Our customers call constantly demanding better service from their weekly newspaper. Although we mail to our subscribers their copy every Wednesday without fail, the papers often arrive at their destinations days late or sometimes never. Where has a judge been when we need him?

The postal service is awash in inefficiency and flagrant disregard for the mail. Our local post offices in Crittenden County do a good job and so do the other small, rural stations in the area. But when our mail leaves western Kentucky, it's like throwing a bottle into the sea.

I sure hope the judge in southern Illinois gets to the bottom of the mail bag and finds the missing campaign materials. While you're in there scratching around for the lost envelopes, judge, look for about a 10 year's worth of Crittenden Presses that are missing too!