Friday, February 6, 2009

Press looking for your storm stories

As the county slowly begins to recover from last week's ice storm, countless stories of survival, generosity and craftiness in the face of adversity have begun to circulate. The Crittenden Press wants to share and preserve those stories from quite possibly the worst disaster in county history.

But, we need you. 

We are asking our readers, residents and friends with ties to Crittenden County to send us stories and photos – like the one above from Natalie Parish in the southern part of the county – from the 2009 ice storm. Whether you rode out the storm at home using creative means to stay warm and fed, volunteered to help strangers or crammed into a shelter or home with others to make do, we want to know.

Your stories and photos can be sent to Though we prefer e-mail, not everyone has those capabilities, so feel free to stop by our office or call. No story is too big, no too small.