Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Buffalo gnats invading Tradewater River area

There is a huge population of buffalo gnats hatching in the Shady Grove and Tradewater River areas of Crittenden County, according to Crittenden County Agriculture Agent Corey Payne. These gnats that are a real nuisance to farmers and residents. Payne has an article in this week's printed edition of The Crittenden Press discussing the spring-time pests. This week's issue will be on newsstands after 3 p.m., Wednesday.

What are black flies or buffalo gnats?
Black flies or buffalo gnats are one-eighth of an inch long hump-backed dark flies with wide, clear wings. Females use their sharp blade-like mouthparts to slice the skin and feed on blood that wells up. The bite may bleed for some time after feeding has stopped and it may itch intensely for several days. Black flies are most closely related to mosquitoes but their feeding habits are most similar to miniature horse flies.