Friday, June 20, 2014

SCAVENGER HUNT: Saturday at Park

Kory Wheeler is looking for a few good sleuths.

As chairperson of the Marion-Crittenden County Park Board, Wheeler tries to hold an annual fundraising event to benefit the park's capital projects fund. 

This year it will be a Photo Scavenger Hunt at 9 a.m., Saturday at the park.

"I wanted to think something other than a 5K," she said.

The scavenger hunt will be for folks of all ages, and teams will be comprised of 4-5 people. At least one team member will need a driver's license and a vehicle in order to for the outfit to be competitive, Wheeler said.

Some of the items featured by the scavenger hunt organizers will be found in rural areas, others might be readily available in town or right under a participant's nose.

"It's going to be fun," said Wheeler, who's conscripted some local teenagers to help spread the word and organize teams. "It's definitely going to be something different."

Each team will need a digital camera or smartphone that has a camera. There are more than 100 items listed on the organizers' list of defined objects. Points are assigned to each item. The difficulty factor of locating and photographing each item drives its point value. 

For instance, a picture of a poodle wearing a tera might be worth 10 points. A poodle wearing a Scottish kilt might be with 100.

The cost to enter the game is $5 person if paid in advance. Day of the event, the price goes up to $7. Registration begins at 9 a.m., at the park. Check-in will be at 11:30 a.m. Wheeler says teams will have about two hours to track down as many points as possible.

Local merchants have donated gifts and prizes for the event and Gilbert Funeral Home is a sponsor the contest.

"I don't know how many teams to expect," Wheeler said, "but some of the items they will be looking for are really funny."