Thursday, September 19, 2019

Jailer defends treatment of prisoners

Jailer Robbie Kirk defended his decision to Crittenden Fiscal Court today to reward state prisoners who are part of supervised work crews with a dip in the pool at Marion Golf and Pool last month.

Magistrate Todd Perryman opened the discussion when he saught more details on the late August event at the country club pool. Kirk said Crittenden County Detention Center gave the opportunity to swim and cookout to 38 "community level" inmates who had been working on mowing crews and other supervised job details in late-summer heat.

County Attorney Rebecca Johnson was concerned with the decision on the basis of liability to the county, from the aspect of harm to an inmate or the public.

Kirk said the country club granted use of the pool, which was closed to the public at the time. He also said adult life guards were on duty at the time.

"We ask those guys to do things that are liability related," the jailer said. "I see no reason why they can’t get a reward."

Find out how other fiscal court members felt about the decision in next week's edition of The Crittenden Press, on newsstands next Wednesday.