Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Making News This Week in Marion...

This week's printed edition of The Crittenden Press is on newsstands now.

On the front page, readers will find an article about a local nurse who survived COVID-19. She tells us her story. Tomorrow morning at 6am the full audio of that interview will post online.

Also making news are a local policeman who has been deployed to Louisville with the National Guard to help operate a field hospital and a CCHS senior who has been recognized as the best in her field. See what that is!

In this week's newspaper you will find gardening tips, news from Frankfort's final days of the legislative session and you will learn why your garbage is piling up.

Plus lots more you will find nowhere else... not on the web, not on Facebook, Twitter or SnapChat.... Only in your local newspaper.

The Crittenden Press is your primary source of news and information for this community. We’re proud to serve our community and we take great pride in bringing you real news, sports reporting and other information that helps you know what’s going on in town and across the county. Help ensure that real reporting continues in this community by subscribing today. You can subscribe online to the full version of the newspaper for only $2.95 a month. Click here to subscribe.

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The Crittenden Press