Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Up, Up and Away !

School threat checked out
Two Marion city police officers, Sheriff Wayne Agent and School Resource Officer Greg Rushing were all at Crittenden County High School and Middle School as students arrived. Teachers and administrators were also posted at strategic locations and on the lookout for anything threatening, said Al Starnes, school safety director.
"We got wind of a threat so we took all of the precautions we could," Starnes said. "We found nothing, but you have to take these things serious."
Police and school officials said that several students may have been involved in the threat. Some were searched before school, but no names were released.
Starnes said the threat involved someone saying they were going to bring a gun or guns to school.
"We had officers at every entrance," Police Chief Ray O'Neal said. "We were taking every necessary precaution."
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
This week's issue
Cozart signs college deal

Monday, April 28, 2008
Super interviews scheduled

Friday, April 25, 2008
Biggest Game In Years

Crittenden County High School's baseball team lost 1-0 to Murray High in the Class A Sectional Championship Friday at Gordon Guess Field in Marion.
School board narrows search
Library extending hours
Library Director Regina Merrick said the change in hours does not add additional staff time and should benefit more library goers than remaining open late only one day. Traffic, she said, has been heavy on Mondays between 5 and 6 p.m., but very light the last hour.
New library hours as of Monday are:
- Monday, 9 a.m., to 6 p.m.
- Tuesday, 9 a.m., to 6 p.m.;
- Wednesday, 9 a.m., to 1 p.m.,
- Thursday, 9 a.m., to 5 p.m.,
- Friday, 9 a.m., to 5 p.m., and
- Saturday, 9 a.m., to 1 p.m.
Governor names Caldwell judge

Chaudoin currently serves as executive director of the South Kentucky Industrial Development Association. He is a former mayor of Princeton. Chaudoin has also served in the U.S. Air Force. He and his wife, Diane, reside in Princeton.
Chaudoin replaces Van Knight, who passed away April 9. The appointment is effective May 1. Chaudoin shall serve until the general election on Nov. 4, 2008.
Courthouse open Saturday
Livingston super finalists named
From a board meeting last night, the five finalists being interviewed and considered are as follows:
- Riley Ramsey, currently serving as director of pupil personnel of Webster County schools;
- Kennith Bargo, former Rocket football coach in the 1980s and currently director of pupil personnel of Warrick County Schools in Booneville, Ind.;
- Shirley Menendez, instructional supervisor in Livingston County;
- Jason Hamby, now assistant superintendent in Trigg County; and
- Thomas Dimit, an education attorney and consultant from Toledo, Ohio.
Meantime, Critenden County's board of education meets tonight to further discuss their search for a replacement for John Belt, who will be retiring as superintendent at the end of the year. Belt said the names of three candidates were suggested Monday from a screening committee to board members.
It is possible at tonight's meeting that the board will schedule interviews with finalists beginning Monday and running through May 13.
"As a best case scenerio, those decisions will be made tonight," Belt told The Crittenden Press in an e-mail.
The board has set May 20 as the deadline for hiring a new superintendent.
Back Roads
Game Day !

The Rockets are playing in the round of 16 against Murray High, winner of the First Region. Crittenden beat Lyon County earlier this week in the Second Region championship. Today's game starts at 6 p.m., and the winner qualifies for the state tournament.
If you have not experienced a game at the newly remodeled ball field, this is the day to do it. Weather will be great, highs in 80s and a little breezy.
Guess Field has been improved because it will be home to the semi-pro Marion Bobcats this summer. For more on the stadium and Bobcats, click this You Tube Video.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Grand Jury indictments
Four of the seven individuals were indicted following an undercover drug-buying operation that included a confidential informant.
Those indicted were as follows:
•Rodney Barnett, 36, of Fredonia on three counts of trafficking in a controlled substance within 1,000 yards of a school by complicity. The charges stem from undercover buys on three dates during the fall of last year. According to court records, a digital camera was used to record the transactions. The indictment alleges that Barnett, in conjunction with Tanya K. Moodie (also indicted), sold 20 doses of Xanax to a cooperating witness on Oct. 20, 2007. The charges indicate that the informant paid $1 per dose for the pills. Additional buys were allegedly made on Nov. 16 and Dec. 15. Police records say that on those dates, the informant purchased 30 doses Xanax and 16 doses of Nurotin for $60 in November and 26 doses of Xanax, 11 doses of Adderall and eight doses of Nurotin for a price of $100 in December. All of the alleged buys were made at a home in Marion with 1,000 feet of a school.
•Tanya K. Moodie, 63, of 608 Blackburn Street, Marion was indicted on the same charges as the above defendant. Police records say that Moodie and Barnett were both involved in the same alleged drug sales to the informant.
•Michael E. Hillyard, 49, of 535 East Bellville Street was indicted on four counts of trafficking in a controlled substance within 1,000 yards of a school, second-degree, second-offense trafficking in a controlled substance by complicity, and being a first-degree persistent felony offender. Hillyard, court records say, sold marijuana and Lortab tablets to an undercover informant on five dates in the fall of 2007.
•Joseph Lee Shewmaker, 34, of 109 Sterling Lane, Marion was indicted for first-degree trafficking in a controlled substance and third-degree trafficking in a controlled substance. Court records allege that Shewmaker sold drugs to a confidential informant, including six doses of Percocet and eight doses of Valium.
Thomas Michael Tackwell, 29, of 630 Country Road, Grand Rivers was indicted for second-degree burglary. Police records allege that Tackwell broke into a home in Marion and stole a Sentry fire safe on Dec. 4, 2007.
•Lenoard D. Tolley, 32, of 228 Keeling Street, Marion was indicted for flagrant non-support for being behind by $16,905.02 in child support.
•Kevin Ray Curry, 31, of 510 Henry Road, Fredonia was indicted on a charge of first-degree possession of a controlled substance which police allege was methodone, a schedule II narcotic. Court records say that on Feb. 28, Curry was observed on the ground beside of his vehicle which was parked on the side of the road in the Caldwell Springs community.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Rock quarry visit

Cage match

Sunday, April 20, 2008
Stabbing Saturday night
Friday, April 18, 2008
Friday Accidents

A two-car accident in downtown Marion Friday around noon sent four people to the hospital.
Different angle
Big Shaker
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Sisco Chapel Road now open
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Ferry should reopen Wednesday A.M.
It's been more than a month since the ferry last operated, but Lewis said the Ohio River has dropped enough to resume regular operation of the free transport.
"There is water still over the road on (Ky.) 91 today, but we'll open up in the morning if the water continues to fall like it has," Lewis said Tuesday.
The river needs to be around 42 feet for the ferry to operate. It last ran March 12.
Press has parts

A self-described "trader," Driskill, 77, is known far and wide for his vast assortment of used and new parts, mostly for farm equipment. He specializes in tractor tires, but has just about anything you might need at his salvage yard in the Piney community.
You will not want to miss this feature story in the printed edition of The Crittenden Press which will be on newsstands after lunch Wednesday.
Roads Update
Monday, April 14, 2008
Wanna Go Fishing ?

New 5 bucks
UPDATE: Roads closed

Other highways in Crittenden County that remain closed due to high water include:
Ky. 91 at the Ohio River Landing, Cave In Rock Ferry closed.
Ky. 132 in the Fishtrap area near the Crittenden-Webster Line.
Ky. 135 at Sawmill Hollow between Tolu and Carrsville.
Ky. 1917 at Wolf Creek near Shady Grove.
"It dropped a foot yesterday," ferry operator Lonnie Lewis said. "We still need to go another 18 inches."
Lewis said the ferry will possibly open at some point Tuesday, if the river continues to drop at the current rate.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
To Iraq and back...

Sgt. 1st Class Scott Hurley grew up in Iuka on the Cumberland River and spent a great deal of time running around the hills and hollows on his grandparents' farm in the Forrest Grove community of Crittenden County.
Since graduating from Livingston Central High School in 1996, Hurley has seen a whole lot more of the world. He joined the military 12 years ago and was deployed to Bosnia in 1998, Albania in 1999 and to Iraq from October 2006 until this past December.
For a boy whose childhood centered around baseball and hunting and fishing in western Kentucky, Hurley's military career has broadened his understanding of world dynamics. He spent time in Balad, Iraq in the Salah al-Din province where his 3rd Battalion, 8th Cavalry unit provided security. He watched as Iraqis found the courage to go back to work and restart their lives and businesses following the height of insurgency in the country.
"I believe progress was being made," he said, pointing out that attacks were reduced and Iraqi citizens started returning to normal routine over the past year.
"The training of the Iraq Army and police forces improved as well," he said.
Because of his experiences abroad, Hurley has become a savvy observer of people. His survival has often hinged on his own ability to judge a situation quickly and accurately.
Like most Americans, Hurley watches closely the candidates and their campaigns for U.S. president. He says that despite the pre-election rhetoric, the options in the Middle East are limited.
"It's hard to say about the elections affecting deployments. What politicians say in the campaign and what they do after the election usually doesn't match up," he said.
Hurley understands the need for proper transmission of messages. As sergeant first class in a communications platoon, his job is to ensure that headquarters is able to talk to all of its troops in the field. His battalion is half armor, half infantry – known as a combine
Hurley plans on staying in the U.S. Army for another eight years, at which time he will be vested for full retirement. Right now he's at Fort Hood in Texas, but understands that another deployment to the Middle East is virtually certain.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Fatality on U.S. 60 Friday
Road closure
Thursday, April 10, 2008
High-tech war experience

For Ryan Boisture, the past eight years have been fast-paced and explosive, all largely thanks to the war in Iraq.
A 1998 graduate of Crittenden County High School, Boisture joined the military as the battle sabers began rattling at the dawn of the 21st century. He had an understanding of technology and was assigned to the White House Communications Agency.
Now, at 27, Boisture is married and the father of
three. His job is still directly related to the military's Operation Iraqi Freedom, but he's stateside and uses the knowledge he gleaned from the U.S. Army and online college courses. He now maintains communications equipment for a government contractor.
"I manage a stack of seven servers which consist of a Cisco, Terawave, Avaya Conference Bridge, Nortel, Video Switch, Sequoia and a management server. Pretty much, to put it more simply, I keep Yuma Proving Grounds communicating in an orderly and expedient fashion," he said.
Yuma Proving Grounds is located in the Arizona desert. It's one of the United States' most sophisticated centers for weapons testing.
"What I do is in direct support of the weapons and munitions testing," he said.
"The things that go on here would blow your mind if you’re into blowing things up," Boisture continued. "Most ground to air, mortar intercept and wireless controlled explosive device defeating systems are tested right here."
It's not Star Wars, but pretty close and what Boisture does is control the Internet, Ethernet, Intranet and all of the highly-technical devices that allow command and control to communicate with people and electronic equipment.
Before going to Arizona, Boisture was with another government contractor in Albuquerque, N.M., that worked on highly-profitable projects aimed at developing jamming devices to counter improvised electronic devices (IEDs) used by insurgents in Iraq.
While his current job with Northrop Grumman is rewarding, he'd love to be back home. Like so many young people who leave Marion, Boisture has found that he is much more employable elsewhere.
"I’m home-sick," he said. "I would love to be able to find a decent job back there somewhere; nothing special, just something that could provide a comfortable living."
Baseball update
Late obituary
She was a member Marion Baptist Church.
Survivors include her parents, Jerry and Evelyn Beavers; a sister, Kristi Beavers; a brother, Kurt Beavers and his wife Deitra; a niece, Kayla and her husband Jamie Travis; a nephew, Tanner Beavers; and a great-niece, Carly Travis, all of Marion.
She was preceded in death by her grandparents, Roy and Robbie Coleman and Carl and Melvin Beavers.
Funeral services are at 11 a.m., Saturday, April 12 at Gilbert Funeral Home with Rev. Mike Jones officiating. Burial is at Mapleview Cemetery. Visitation will be from 5-8 p.m., Friday at the funeral home.
Condolences may be left online at Gilbert Funeral Home.
Baseball today
Dust off your quilts

Fohs Hall will be decked out with quilts for the Backroads Quilt Show scheduled for April 26. Quilts can be displayed by anyone and do not have to be made by the exhibitor.
This is not a sewing competition but the opportunity to view quilts which are works of art.
The featured quilt display in the Nunn Room will be provided by Donna Haire. It will be called “Entertaining with Quilts” and will have a tea party focus. Wanda Rudd will be providing hands-on quilting for anyone who wants to sew a few stitches.
Quilts can be entered from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.
Each quilt will include an information card listing the owner and maker, date when made and pattern, if known, and other information which may be of interest to viewers. Cards will be available at the show or can be picked up in advance at the county Extension office located on the lower level of the Crittenden County Courthouse.
The quilt show is free and will be open for viewing by the public from 10 a.m., to 3 p.m. Spectators will vote for the show favorite called The People's Choice Award. The winner will be announced at 3 p.m., and will receive a plaque and $25 gift certificate to a local restaurant. Quilts can be checked out from 3 to 3:30 p.m.
Previous Backroads Quilt Show award winning quilts are not eligible for the show favorite award, but can be displayed.
The show is also free to the public and is sponsored by the Crittenden County Extension Homemaker Association. For more information contact Sarah Ford at 965-3833 or Rudd at 965-5904. For more information on Backroads Tour see the Marion Tourism Website.
Getting hosed
With crude oil topping out at $112 a barrel yesterday, up $35 since the 2003 invasion, it's becoming ever plainer that we're getting hosed from top to bottom.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Bobcats fill open roster spot
Kyle Medley of Springfield will fill the roster spot initially held by right-hander Adnonios Constantatos of New York. Medley, a 6-foot, 195-pound pitcher for the Belhaven College Blazers in Jackson, Miss., will add only the second pitcher with roots in Kentucky. The other Bluegrass native is Chris Buckman, a fellow righty.
More details on Knight death
According to Gale Cherry, mayor of Princeton, Knight fell last night and hit his head. Cherry said he died in Nashville from hematoma, or blood clotting, from head trauma.
A resident of Fredonia, Knight had served as Caldwell County Judge since 1994.
He was in his late 60s and is survived by a wife, Carol, a son and a daughter, according to Crittenden County Judge-Executive Fred Brown. A close friend of Knight's, Brown said he also had a son that died within the last couple of years.
"He was a good buddy of mine," Brown lamented. "And he was a great community leader and worked hard at it."
Under Knight's leadership, Caldwell County added several new economic development projects, including Bremner and about a half dozen other plants, according to Brown. Plans for a Wal-Mart Supercenter and a new hospital in Princeton were also finalized under Knight.
Cherry said Wednesday morning that she had just seen Knight the day before during a community meeting. When the fall was first reported, the mayor said, it was not thought to be a bad injury.
"They didn't think it was that serious," she said.
However, Knight was eventually flown to St. Thomas Hospital in Nashville after being taken to Caldwell County Hospital.
According to Knight's biography on Pennyrile Area Development District's Web site, the judge-executive listed gardening, landscaping, horses and old cars as his hobbies. Among many other boards and agencies on which Knight served, he was member of PADD's board of directors.
Gov. Steve Beshear will appoint a temporary replacement as judge-executive in Caldwell County, until a special election can be held.
This week's news
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
U.S. 60 back open
Warning: Traffic Alert
Monday, April 7, 2008
Several Roads Closed
Restaurant changes name

The second floor of the restaurant will also be opening this summer. It will be known as the Loft and will be available for meetings and banquets.
Ferry to remain closed
Ky. 120 closed at Webster line

Saturday, April 5, 2008
Judge J. Wendell Roberts dies

The Courier-Journal reported today that former Marion attorney Judge J. Wendell Roberts died late last month at his home in Venice, Fla.
Funeral set for drowning victim

The funeral for Kate Hearod, the two-year-old girl who drowned Friday morning in rural Crittenden County after the car in which she was riding was swept off the road in floodwaters, will be 1 p.m., Tuesday at Lakeland Funeral Chapel in Eddyville.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Autopsy performed on infant
The autopsy on Kate Hearod was performed late this morning at the State Medical Examiner’s Office in Madisonville, listing the preliminary cause of death appeared to be from drowning.
The little girl and her mother, Heather Hearod, 22, were trapped in a 2007 Dodge Charger after Heather drove in the predawn hours into swiftly moving water along Ky. 855 about 11 miles southwest of Marion. A state trooper responding to the scene said the driver didn't have time to stop before hitting the water. He said black marks only six feet long apparently indicated she came up on the water very quickly.
Authorities have yet to locate the car swept away in the current.
Meantime, road crews spent most of Friday repairing damage around the county from floodwaters created by as much as seven inches of rain over a short period last night. Marion City Administrator Mark Bryant said significant damage was created to several streets in Marion, particularly Yandell Street.
-- dkt
This just in ... again
Cave-in-Rock ferry operator Lonnie Lewis said today that last night's rain -- as much as 7 inches here -- will likely shut down the ferry for the weekend. Lewis said river stage forecasts had shown a drop to operational levels would arrive Saturday. But that, of course, was before last night's deluge.
"It's going in the wrong direction," Lewis said of the water level.
March 12 was the last time the ferry transported cars from Critttenden County to Illinois. At the moment, Lewis has no idea when the river will fall to 42 feet at Shawneetown, the mark by which operation can resume.
One thing's for certain, it won't be this weekend.
-- dkt
New curator enjoying museum job

The western Pennsylvania native has spent the last 14 years living in Marion, soaking up the local history and getting to know its people. That's why starting her new career as curator of the Crittenden County Historical Museum this week has been so exciting.
"I was just meant to be here," she said today inside the old Presbyterian church on East Bellville Street.
Meredith had 10 visitors on Tuesday, opening day for the museum this season. She's had visitors from Florida already and will be hosting two students utilizing the museum as a research tool for school projects.
The museum is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m., to 3:30 p.m.
Out of commission
Jail OK'd to house federal inmates

The facility, according to Jailer Rickey Riley, has been approved to begin housing federal inmates. He received notice from the U.S. Marshal's Service out of Paducah that the county's application to lock down federal prisoners had been approved. That means more money to the jail.
But don't expect any Al Capones or Charles Mansons in stripes to call Crittenden County home. Riley said most of the inmates will be detained on federal narcotics charges.
"They won't be any more dangerous than the state inmates we're keeping now," Riley said.
The 133-bed facility today is housing 109 inmates, with all but 12 local inmates bringing in money for the jail from other counties or the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Twenty-one of the inmates are women.
-- dkt
Drowning is confirmed
Erratic driving
Just a few minutes ago, a Marion police office was dispatched to investigate some erratic driving reported by a concerned citizen in town. After receiving a description of the vehicle, Patrolman Marty Hodge located the vehicle and pulled over the driver to investigate.
The driver, a young woman, was taking her driver's test with the driving instructor in tow.
I'd bet the call was placed from another driver operating their vehicle while talking on the cell phone ...
-- dkt
Flood rescue

The child, about two years old, had been caught up in the flood waters for about 45 minutes when two rescue squad members, using a borrowed boat from a nearby resident, found her. It was unclear how long she had been under water, but rescue squad member Rick Mills performed CPR on the girl before she was rushed by ambulance to Livingston Hospital about six miles away.
The girl and her mother had been traveling southbound on the highway about 5:45 a.m., when they unsuspectingly ran into the flood waters crossing the road. The mother tried to swim to safety carrying the child, but lost her in the swift waters. The mother eventually made it out of the water. Police did not immediately identify the mother nor the young girl.
We will have updates and more information on this potentially tragic accident in the coming hours. The inset photo is of the scene after everyone had left other than Trooper Darron Hollimon who was still investigating.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
State's budget will fund promised projects

Kentucky lawmakers passed the state's biennial budget just before a self-imposed midnight deadline Wednesday.
If that doesn't sound exciting, $2.45 million in local projects were in jeopardy of being lost until both houses agreed upon a compromise that guarantee at least half-a-million dollars of those projects. And, Sen. Dorsey Ridley (D-Henderson) all but promised Thursday afternoon that $900,000 for Crittenden-Livingston Water District debt reduction and $1.05 million for City of Marion water and sewer projects would be reinstated.
"I cannot imagine it not happening," he said from his home office two counties away.
Ridley said the General Assembly will take up the funding of specific water and sewer infrastructure projects when they return to Frankfort April 14 after an 11-day veto break.
The senator and Rep. Mike Cherry (D-Princeton) returned to their western Kentucky homes Thursday after both voting in their respective chambers for the latest two-year spending plan. Neither were thrilled with the budget overall, with Cherry calling it "woefully hurting." But both were satisfied with its impact on municipal development needs in Crittenden County.
"This is very definitely important to rural legislators," Cherry said of wording added back into the state budget that spells out the specific projects to be funded with coal severance money.
As a coal producing county, Crittenden will now receive from the severance funds:
-- $440,000 for debt reduction related to the new 133-bed Crittenden County Detention Center;
-- $20,000 for the Ben E. Clement Mineral Museum;
-- $30,000 for Dam 50 tourism improvements; and
-- $10,000 for a memorial park on the riverfront in Dycusburg.
Judge-Executive Fred Brown and the fiscal court have been counting on that money to keep the county afloat. Without line items in the budget identifying the specific uses for this money, the fiscal court will have to make application to the Governor’s Office of Local Development in Frankfort before spending each dollar. And, that half-million in coal severance money is intended for economic development projects, jeopardizing approval on what had been planned as next year’s payment on the new jail.
"I'm absolutely pleased with the single county (coal) money," Brown said Thursday morning learning of the House approval of the budget.
Brown said Ridley phoned him Wednesday night around 9 p.m., shortly after the Senate passed the budget 35-3. It was not until two hours later at 11 p.m., local time that the House okayed the plan 74-21. And, Gov. Steve Beshear has told The Courier-Journal he will not veto the budget.
The $440,000 now ensured for the jail will be used to help make the county's annual payments on the 133-bed facility. The judge said it will be split about evenly over the next to years to assist with its payoff of the $7.7 million jail.
But, Brown is still concerned the money municipal utilities projects, to be funded through state bonding, might go missing.
"Hopefully, the water and sewer money will be in there," he said.
Cherry and Ridley both said the prospects were good that both Crittenden and Livingston counties will be received that money once promised them.
"When we return on the 14th and 15th, I feel confident we'll get it settled," Ridley said.
That should ensure that rural water customers in the two counties will not see a rate increase due to a lack of anticipated monies to pay down debt. Crittenden-Livingston Water District Superintendent Donnie Beavers told The Press for this week's print edition that without the nearly $1 million once promised from the new state budget, as much as a five-percent increase on water rates was possible to pay for its final phase of water line extensions.
The City of Marion's planned replacement of its aged cast-iron water line along Main Street also appears to be back on, if the mid-month return of lawmakers to Frankfort sees a return of the bonding projects.
A five-term representative of Crittenden County in Frankfort, Cherry is unhappy with how the budget address social concerns.
"It doesn't do anything to help health and human services and education," he said. "At best, we tread water in education."
Under the same spending plan, higher education would see a three-percent cut in funding. Though not pleased, Murray State University Board of Regents Chairman Alan Stout shuttered to think that cuts could have been worse. Gov. Steve Beshear and the House had supported plans for a 12-percent reduction in higher education spending.
“It would be difficult for us to maintain the current level of service and programs without tuition increases,” Stout said about the proposed three-percent reduction for colleges.
Stout said the state seemed to have "taken a step back" in higher education.
Late-Thursday afternoon, Gov. Beshear expressed his displeasure with the budget, particularly in light of the latest report on the state's economy. That gloomy report showed March tax receipts down 6 percent from March of last year.
The governor said he may have to call a special session later this year to raise revenue.
Cherry said a quarter increase on the state's cigarette tax could have overridden cuts in the budget, particularly the three-percent cut to higher education. A tax on certain services that appeared in the House's version of the budget with the 25-cent cigarette tax hike was also removed by the Senate and never restored.
-- dkt
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
This just in ...

The Ohio River is now at 44.5 feet at Shawneetown. That's 11.5 feet above flood stage. However, the river is falling about a foot per day and the ferry can safely operate at 42 feet.
The ferry connects Crittenden County, Ky., and Hardin, County, Ill., at Cave-in-Rock.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
2nd Region star to TN
Supreme Court throws out verdict

Foremost is the addition of several full-time jobs at Tyler Manufacturing in Marion. The company, located in the former Tyco building, is going to be adding another 25-30 jobs this summer. We will have details in The Press and online you can already view a video news story and take a tour of the plant.
Also new this week is the Kentucky Supreme Court's reversal of a guilty verdict in the 2006 trial of Ronnie Dameron, 46, of Marion. Dameron (pictured) was convicted of sodomy and burglary almost two years ago and has been serving a 70-year sentence in the state prison. Now, the state's highest court has ordered a retrial. See this week's Press for more details.
Law firms merge

The firm recently launched its new web site. The firm and its downtown Marion office have quite a rich local history, which you can read about on the site.
Legend gone from UK

Reports say that Keightley died from internal bleeding caused by a previously undiagnosed tumor on his spine.
He worked under six coaches at UK, including Adolph Rupp, Joe B. Hall, Eddie Sutton, Rick Pitino, Tubby Smith and current coach Billy Gillispie. He served the basketball team for 47 seasons and became known as Mr. Wildcat. He was on the bench for the 'Cats' final game of the season in March against Marquette in the NCAA Tournament.