Friday, April 4, 2008

Jail OK'd to house federal inmates

Along with funding for jail debt reduction reinstated in the state's budget, Crittenden County Detention Center got some more good news this week.

The facility, according to Jailer Rickey Riley, has been approved to begin housing federal inmates. He received notice from the U.S. Marshal's Service out of Paducah that the county's application to lock down federal prisoners had been approved. That means more money to the jail.

But don't expect any Al Capones or Charles Mansons in stripes to call Crittenden County home. Riley said most of the inmates will be detained on federal narcotics charges.

"They won't be any more dangerous than the state inmates we're keeping now," Riley said.

The 133-bed facility today is housing 109 inmates, with all but 12 local inmates bringing in money for the jail from other counties or the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Twenty-one of the inmates are women.

-- dkt