Thursday, August 1, 2019

City Council meets today for alcohol rules

Legalized alcohol sales could be here by Labor Day, if there are no snags in what is left in the regulatory process to get the City of Marion ready to sell liquor licenses.

City leaders met Monday night in a special called meeting of the Marion City Council to hear first reading of the local Alcohol Beverage Control Ordinance. Two amendments were proposed during the roughly 20-minute meeting, only one passed, which proposes to limit liquor stores in their proximity to churches and schools. Otherwise, the draft ordinance that council members received a couple of weeks earlier was introduced in tact.

A second reading will be tonight when the ordinance can be officially approved. A meeting for that purpose is
planned for 5:15 p.m., at city hall. For the rest of this article, explaining details of what residents can expect when alcohol goes on sale legally for the first time 83 years, grab this week's printed edition of The Crittenden Press.

Watch below raw footage from Monday's discussions by the council on a couple of proposed amendments to the ordinance.