Friday, August 30, 2019

City, school board set 2019 tax rates

Marion City Council and Crittenden County Schools on Thursday set their property tax rates for 2019. Each body lowered its levies, but expects to collect more revenue.

The city is looking for a 2 percent increase in revenue with its 23-cent per $100 valuation on real property, anticipating $211,885 from the tax bills that will be mailed next month to city property owners. The tax rate, 1.3 cents less than the 2018 levy, was set at a special meeting held just before 5 p.m. Thursday.

Less than two hours later, Crittenden County Board of Education set its rates for this year’s tax bills, accepting what is called the compensating rate calculated by the state to generate approximately the same revenue as the previous year. By lowering rates a penny per $1,000 valuation for the current year, the board expects to collect $100,371 more in combined revenue on real and personal property at 48.6 cents per $100 valuation.

County tax rates from the Extension service and board of health are yet to be set, but must be done by next Friday.

For more on the tax rates, pick up a copy of next week’s issue of The Crittenden Press.