Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tax cigs to supplement fuel

Kentucky's House Revenue and Appropriations Committee voted overwhelmingly Tuesday to tack on another 25 cents to the price of a pack of cigarettes to boost the state's troubled budget. A pack of Malboros would cost $3.36 a pack if the measure is passed by the full House and later the Senate.

Gov. Beshear wanted to raise the cigarette tax by 70 cents. It's a shame he hasn't found enough support to get it done. How about going ahead and upping it the extra 45cents to supplement our fuel prices with the tobacco tax. Now that would suit me just fine.

Marion should take a bold step and become one of the smallest cities in Kentucky to ban smoking in public buildings. There are several restaurants in town where I seldom, if ever, go because of the smoke. And of course, that's my choice.

Another problem I have is watching kids climb out of a car where the parent, or whoever is driving, is pulling puffs off a cigarette. The kids don't have a choice.