Mark Vince of Marion gets his immunization earlier this evening from school nurse Brandy Whitney during a flu shot clinic at Rocket Arena for Crittenden County students and parents. Vince and his wife Kim, a history teacher at the high school, each got their shots along with their two children, Russell and Charlotte.
Pennyrile District Health Department will be hosting a flu shot clinic from 9 a.m. to noon on Wednesday, Oct. 16 at Crittenden County Senior Citizens Center. The clinic is for anyone of any age. The following day, Crittenden County Health Department will host a flu shot clinic at its office on Industrial Drive. It runs from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. No appointment is necessary. The cost is $25 for both clinics will be $25 or Medicare, Medicaid or insurance can be billed.