WASHINGTON – Congressman Ed Whitfield, a Kentucky Republican, has announced that he will seek re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2010. Reports in recent days had suggested that Whitfield might seek the governorship or run for the U.S. Senate.
In a statement issued Thursday morning Whitfield said, “Representing the First Congressional District of Kentucky in the U.S. House of Representatives for the past 15 years has been an honor and a privilege. During that time, I have been fortunate to meet with thousands of constituents and vote on important legislation which has made a positive impact on the everyday lives of Kentucky residents.
"With our economy still reeling and controversial energy legislation being pushed forward that will have an enormous impact on Kentuckians, a strong voice to represent the First District in Washington is more important than ever. That is why I intend to run for re-election to the House of Representatives in 2010. During these tough times, my experience and seniority in the House will help ensure the needs and values of First District residents are best served. With their support, it is my hope I will be able to continue to serve the First Congressional District of Kentucky in the House of Representatives.”