Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bechler to run for state representative

Crittenden County resident Lynn Bechler announced that he is seeking election to the Kentucky House of Representatives for the fourth legislative district.

Bechler, of Marion, said, “Our district needs a strong voice in the legislature. For too long the state has treated us like second class citizens and it is time to put someone in the House who will be tough enough to take a stand against politics as usual.”

In a news release, Bechler, a Republican, said he is committed to working for all the people in the district.

“A state representative should act in the best interest of the people in his district; not that of lobbyists, party leaders, special interest groups,or himself. I believe in citizen representation and not politics as a career.”

Bechler advocates term limits and has said that legislators shouldn’t be paid for extra sessions when they can’t agree on a budget in the time mandated by law. 

Bechler retired from IBM in 2007.  He and his wife Kathleen have been married 43 years and have four children. They also have 11 grandchildren and are looking forward to the birth of their twelfth grandchild in March.

Some of Bechler’s current activities include high school tutoring, the Lions Club, church council president, volunteer tax preparation for the elderly, and the Chamber of Commerce.