Friday, July 31, 2020

Smithland Bridge work ramps up next week

The new bridge at Smithland will take three years to build. The deck will be two 12-foot driving lanes with a six-foot shoulder on each side. It will replace the Lucy Jefferson Lewis Memorial Bridge which opened to traffic in 1931.

Construction of the New U.S. 60 Cumberland River Bridge at Smithland in Livingston County will ramp up substantially next week.

 Jim Smith Contracting of Grand Rivers is the prime contractor for a $63.6 million project to erect a new 1,912-foot  structure immediately downstream from the 89-year old bridge it is replacing.  The contractor and Kentucky Transportation Cabinet engineers have established a work schedule for the project.

The contractor has begun maintenance work on the existing bridge and pre-construction activities such as placement of work zone signage, work on access roads, as well as an equipment assembly and supply storage yard.

For more on this construction project see the complete article in this week's full edition of The Crittenden Press.