Thursday, August 13, 2020

Board of Education approves in-person schooling

After more than 30 minutes of discussion during a special called meeting Thursday evening, Crittenden County Board of Education voted unanimously to remain on course for an Aug. 25 start to the fall semester with a blend of in-person classes and remote learning.

School Board Chairman Chris Cook said the decision was based on “resounding” feedback from parents and the community. He said the local school district’s plans do not align with the current recommendation from the governor’s office, but believes the district can be a model for “how to return to school safely.”

A recent survey conducted by the school district found that about 78 percent of the parents of students supported in-person instruction. Remote learning options are available for students who do not wish to return to in-person schooling on Aug. 25.

Gov. Andy Beshear, the Kentucky Education Association and the Kentucky Department of Education had earlier this week recommended schools across the commonwealth delay a return to the classroom until Sept. 28. In response, a handful of Kentucky school districts, including Crittenden, have now indicated they will move forward with in-person education. 

Tonight's school board meeting was broadcast live on Facebook and more than 300 were watching.