Wednesday, August 26, 2020

School district issues statement about recent cases

In response to recent reports about two teenage individuals testing positive for COVID-19, the Crittenden County School District, which returned to in-person instruction on Tuesday, issued the following statement:

Yesterday, the Pennyrile Health Department shared positive reports in our county of school-aged children. It’s important to note, however, that these children have not yet attended in-person school, so our in-person learning will continue as planned. A reminder that when a positive in-person student or staff case is reported to Crittenden County Schools by the health department, we intend to close for one to two days to deep clean and sanitize, and that information will be shared with all families promptly. 

We wish to take this opportunity to thank all students and their families for making our #RocketRelaunch a success. At every school, students followed Healthy at School guidelines, following masking and social distancing protocols throughout the school day. This is a reflection of the preparation of parents and students to work together with us to keep all students and staff healthy and safe, and we extend our sincere thanks for that. Please continue to self-monitor your students for symptoms and encourage good hygiene. We are happy to have our Rockets back for the 20-21 school year, and, together, we hope to continue the year in the healthiest and safest way possible.