Wednesday, August 12, 2020

School board special COVID meeting

Crittenden County Board of Education will meet in special session at 5:30 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 13 at Rocket Arena Conference Room. 

The primary purpose of the meeting will be to discuss local reaction to this week’s announcement by the governor with regard to in-person schooling.

Gov. Andy Beshear and the teachers’ union said in recent days that going back in person right now is a bad idea due to COVID-19 numbers across the state. In reaction to the governor’s comments on Monday, some schools that had planned a hybrid or in-person plan quickly pivoted to virtual learning. 

The governor has recommended that no one go back to school in person until Sept. 28; however, he said that was not an order.

Clark and the local school district's leadership team, has been planning for several weeks a return to the classroom on Aug. 25 for about three-quarters of the students enrolled in grades 1-12. About 25 percent of the students had indicated in a school survey that they would likely elect to begin with remote learning from home. 

The district had made arrangements for both in-person and remote learning. Clark said many hours of preparation had gone into the plan, supplies have been purchased and schools have been tailored to allow for social distancing.

There will also be a school board working session at 4:30pm so members can view a virtual forum being held by the Kentucky Board of Education.