Saturday, October 31, 2020

Despite Challenges, Trust for Life grows

Despite the many challenges 2020 has brought to communities across the state, the Kentucky Circuit Clerks’ Trust For Life has continued to grow the Kentucky Organ Donor Registry in an effort to save and heal the lives of those waiting on an organ, tissue, or cornea transplant, including the many children on the waiting list. 

“The continued support from our residents means a great deal to so many in need, including our children,” says Melissa Guill, Crittenden County Circuit Court Clerk. “Since 1992 more than two million Kentuckians have joined the Kentucky Organ Donor Registry. Those registrations and support are critical for our ongoing efforts to save the lives of as many patients as possible on the transplant waiting list.”


Classroom learning for the 2020-2021 school year has been anything but typical with many schools operating under non-traditional instruction. However, Kentucky’s children and adolescents continue to learn throughout the state.  The start of this school year is especially meaningful to our pediatric recipients like Katelee, who just began attending kindergarten in Pike County. Katelee was born with a heart defect, a devastating diagnosis for her family. Though shocked, Katelee’s family was provided hope because of the generosity of a donor. Her gift of life came through a heart transplant and now Katelee has the opportunity to grow, learn, and thrive!


The support of generous contributors, especially Kosair Charities, has amplified the Circuit Clerk’s organ donation education.  Children like Katelee have felt that miraculous impact.


To join Trust For Life with its ongoing initiation to grow its database of donors, you may join the Kentucky Organ Donor Registry by either of the ways below:


•Online 24/7 at

•Driver’s License Renewals: All Circuit Clerks’ offices re-opened in June, adhering to Governor Beashear’s COVID-19 guidelines and continue to do so

•Using your Apple iPhone, toggle to “organ donor” through the Health App