Thursday, October 30, 2014

Daylight saving time ends Sunday

Kentucky Press News Service
Daylight saving time will come to an end Sunday as the nation switches back to standard time.

The change, as usual, will be at 2 a.m., but most people change their clocks by turning them back one hour before going to bed the evening before which, in this case, will be Saturday. That means, for example, if going to bed at 11 p.m., turn your clocks back to 10 p.m. before going to sleep. Then they will have the correct time on Sunday morning and you will have gotten an extra hour of sleep.

A change in federal law switched the start and stop of daylight saving time to March and November several years ago, yet outdated information about the time change weekends continues to circulate on social media sites such as Facebook.

Daylight saving time runs from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November.