Thursday, January 11, 2024

Big Chill Rolls In Starting this Weekend

Bitterly cold weather is predicted for next week with lows in the single digits or below zero for several days in a row.

Snow is a possibility on Monday, but county officials are not sure brine can be applied to roadways ahead of that forecasted precipitation, because rainy weather between now and then would wash it off.

Temperatures are expected to stay below freezing for at least four days next week.

Crittenden County Judge-Executive Perry Newcom said now that the courthouse is closed – which always served as a warming center – residents who need emergency shelter can call 270-965-3500.

Outdoor pets will also need special care during frigid temperatures. Kristi Beavers, a volunteer with the local animal shelter, says food, water and shelter are the “Big Three” concerns.

She recommends providing some type of insulated shelter for outdoor pets. That might be straw for bedding or even bubble wrap or another type of packing material to line dog houses. Straw is better bedding than a blanket, Beavers said, because it dries out more quickly if it gets wet. Blankets tend to freeze when they get wet and can endanger the animal.

“Water should be provided two or three times a day,” Beavers said. 

She recommends considering a heating element for water bowls. Those are available at area hardware or feed stores.

Anyone in need of help providing an outdoor animal shelter should call the Mary Hall Ruddiman Canine Shelter at 270-965-2006 or message it on Facebook.

Also, Marion residents should consider the ongoing water crisis when deciding whether to drip faucets next week.