Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Comer hears water progress in Marion

While introducing U.S. Rep. James Comer to a contingent of local and regional leaders Tuesday, Crittenden County Judge-Executive Perry Newcom pointed out that the republican congressman was the first elected official to provide "substantial financial assistance" in response to Marion's water woes.

Rep. Comer was in Marion Tuesday to hear about progress made in solving Marion's water crisis that began more than two years ago when the town's raw water source, Lake George, developed a leak in its earthen levee.

Comer helped secure a $1.7 million to help get the ball rolling on Crittenden-Livingston Water District's (CLWD) expansion project. The doubling of the county water district's capacity will help provide water security to Marion and other communities in a three-county area. 

Eventually, Marion will be able to buy all of its water from CLWD. 

"We wanted an update to see where we are," Comer said. "Looks like you have a good plan."