Thursday, August 17, 2023

Delinquent tax bills will be sold next week

Nine buyers have registered as third-party purchasers of $37,400 in delinquent 2022 county property taxes. The Certificates of Delinquency (COD) on those 35 properties will be sold at the annual tax sale at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 23.

Third-party purchasers do not have rights to the property for which taxes are owed when they buy a COD, but they can place a lien on the property. They may then start the foreclosure process if the taxpayer does not satisfy additional fees placed on the bill by third-party purchasers.

In some cases, satisfying that lien can cost four times as much as the face value of the original bill mailed by the county to the property owner. Third-party purchasers will contact taxpayers to arrange payment options.

Delinquent taxpayers can avoid this hassle and expense by satisfying their delinquent taxes before the tax sale later this month. Those delinquent taxes can be paid in the county clerk's office weekdays 8 a.m., to 4:30 p.m. A personal or business check will not be taken in the clerk's office to pay real property tax delinquencies. Payment methods include cash, cashier’s check or credit/depit card.

Taxpayers may also owe the $36 E-911 Service Fee payable in the county treasurer's office.

The current list of delinquent 2022 county property taxes can be found online on Crittenden County Clerk's website at If the tax bill is listed, it is still eligible to be purchased by a third party.