In this week's full edition of The Crittenden Press readers will get a complete water crisis update from our coverage of the Marion City Council's Monday meeting where engineers and the city's new consultant Tim Thomas (pictured) briefed local leaders about the ongoing response.
Also, find out what's creating shivers at the courthouse. Although the building is scheduled to be torn down soon, there's a need for a new heating system.
County government is considering a new solid waste ordinance that could remove competition in commercial trash collection. Right now, businesses can shop around for their trash pickup and dumpster service, but this proposal would change all that. See this week's newspaper for details.
Find out in this week's Press why a magistrate has resigned.
Fohs Hall has some big events coming up, including a very popular area syphoned.
What's going on with local restaurant sales? We take a look at the data.
Also, in this week's full edition you can get caught up on plenty of other local news and get the rifle deer harvest totals, which continues to puzzle local gunners.
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The Crittenden Press