Saturday, January 14, 2023

Veterans Wall will be developed at Rocket Arena

A group of school and community leaders is developing a plan to bring a Veterans Wall to Rocket Arena.

Former U.S. Army Ranger Denis Hodge, who is a longtime teacher and coach at Crittenden County High School, is heading up the committee.

Plans are to create a lasting tribute for veterans who went to school here, grew up in the county or currently reside in the community.

Hodge hopes hundreds of photographs and profiles of local veterans will be  submitted once the project is ready to accept entries for the wall.

“The school doesn’t have any type of permanent display to salute our veterans,” Hodge said. “We think this is an appropriate means and location to recognize their service.”

The meeting room in Rocket Arena will have one wall dedicated to the project. Eventually, the committee will solicit donations to fund the program.

Hodge hopes to hang the first photos on the wall by May 1.