Friday, July 5, 2024

Sheriff Seeks Your Tax Advice

No one wants to pay taxes, right? 

How about paying them later?

That is a question being posed by Sheriff Evan Head, who is responsible for collecting county property taxes every fall. 

The sheriff is proposing a later start date for tax collection beginning this year, which would be in line with last year’s temporary schedule. In 2023, tax collection was delayed a month from its traditional time frame because the county was moving from the courthouse to its new complex in Industrial Park South during October. 

Typically, over the past few decades, county taxes have been collected starting Oct. 1 with a two-percent discount period for the first month. Historically, the face value of the tax bill is owed during November and December, and anything paid after Dec. 31 of each year is subject to a late fee. 

The timing of tax season in 2023 coinciding with a move to the new complex prompted an adjustment in the routine schedule. 

“It would have been impossible to have collected in October last year because during the move we didn’t have an office set up or computers to record payments,” Head said.

So, a decision was made to begin collections in November. Payments in that month were awarded the early two-percent discount. Face value was charged on bills paid in December.

“We had some people who liked it, particularly farmers,” Head said. “Some of the farmers said it was the first time they had ever gotten the discount because they get their crop money in November and that’s when they are usually able to pay their taxes.”

Head says his office is interested in making tax payments as palatable as possible for property owners. If starting collections later, which allows the discount period in October, is more favorable, Head wants to facilitate that change.

The penalty period would start as always at the beginning of January. 

“It would be helpful to know if there are any negative reactions to the possibility of moving collections to November and giving the discount period from Nov. 1 through Nov. 30,” the sheriff said.

The sheriff suggests that taxpayers can contact his office at 270-965-3400 or via email at with comments regarding the possibility of changing the schedule for tax collections this fall to start on Nov. 1 rather than Oct. 1.

“We need to have a decision made on this by July 30,” Head said.

Also under consideration for this fall during tax collection season is acceptance of credit or debit cards for payments, something the county did not accept last year. If so, there would be a flat $2.50 fee for debit card and a 2.5-percent fee for credit cards.