Wednesday, April 28, 2021

"Do-over" applications due to school Saturday

Crittenden County parents interested in having their children take advantage of the state’s recently-approved SB 128, or "do-over bill,” must submit application to the board of education by Saturday, May 1. Printed copies are available at the board office and can be picked up between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.

The bill allows K-12 students to request to use the 2021-22 school year as a supplemental year.  The student can use this year to retake and/or supplement coursework already completed. 

Crittenden County School District will make a decision by June 1 whether to approve all or none of the requests for SB 128.  School districts are not allowed to decide on an individual basis.  

The supplemental year allows students to participate in athletics and extra-curricular activities, thus giving them a fifth year of high school sports eligibility.