Thursday, October 14, 2021

Uptick puts Crittenden back in Red

The late summer spike in COVID-19 cases due to the delta variant had been losing steam in Marion until a slight uptick at mid-week put the county back in the bad zone.

Crittenden is one of  only a few western Kentucky counties that had for about a week remained out of the so-called Red Zone and in the more tolerable Orange Zone on the state’s COVID map. The county ticked back into the Red on Wednesday, but the local caseload is still trending downward compared to the past 8 weeks.

Red Zone counties have greater restrictions. 

Crittenden County School District has established a masking policy based on the colored map. The district will announce Friday  its masking requirements for next week.

For more detailed figures from the local COVID caseload, see this week's full edition of The Crittenden Press.