Saturday, January 22, 2022

Fohs moves ahead, short on fundraising

Hodgenville, Ky. contractors prepare to install
new lighting at Fohs Hall in Marion.
Fohs Hall is getting a big upgrade to its sound system and theater lighting. Work has begun even though a fundraising effort to pay for the project has not reached its goal. 

The project will cost $50,000, but the community center’s board of directors has raised only $31,000. Contributions are still being accepted. You can make a donation on Go Fund Me or mailed directly to Fohs Hall at PO Box 1, Marion,  KY  42064.

The upgrade has started despite being short on fundraising in order to have the project completed by the next Old Kentucky Hayride variety show, which is scheduled for Feb. 12 at Fohs Hall.

The improvements will include removal of the existing, fragmented, outdated and undersized audio system and installing a new audio system in the auditorium. It will be specifically designed for the venue to ensure the entire audience will receive a high quality, balanced listening and visual experience. Audio hardware, microphones, wiring, amplifiers, lights, dimmers and fixtures will all be overhauled. 

Fohs Hall, Inc., was incorporated in 1981 to manage the building, which was given to the community in 1926. It was formerly a school, but has been a community center for years.