Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Decisions now will affect 2022 elections

County Clerk Daryl Tabor empties ballots
from voting machines. New machines are
needed as these begin to age out.
Crittenden County currently has a dozen voting precincts and it's about time to buy new voting machines. They are expensive, to say the least.

There are 5 voting precincts in Marion, 2 in the Frances area and 1 each in Fords Ferry, Sheridan, Tolu, Rosebud and Shady Grove. Could there be fewer in order to save money?

There were 22 precincts in the county as late as November 1953, and 20 until November 1959. The precinct total settled at the current 12 in May 1962.

When pandemic concerns forced consolidation of Crittenden County's voting places and prompted greater opportunities to cast ballots in person ahead of election day, it got folks to thinking. And those thoughts could eventually lead to changes in how we vote. 

Will the legislature do something this secession?

Many political, social and financial issues are at play when it comes to what the next election cycle will look like in Crittenden County. It's not a crystal ball, but get a copy of this week's full edition of The Crittenden Press and you might have a clearer picture of future elections.