Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Vaccine opening up to Phase 1C on Monday

COVID-19 vaccine will be available next week for a much broader segment of the state’s population. 

It’s what Gov. Andy Beshear has named Phase 1C in Kentucky’s rollout of the vaccine, which began in late December. The first vaccine was available to a narrow segment of the community that included first responders and healthcare workers. That was Phase 1A. Individuals over 70 and teachers were able to be inoculated in January and February as part of Phase 1B.

Phase 2 will include anyone age 40 and older, but there is no indication at this point when vaccine will be available for that group.

On Wednesday, Gov. Andy Beshear announced the state’s positivity rate has declined to 5.9 percent, the lowest since Oct. 27.

There are at least nine locations in the immediate area to obtain a COVID-19 vaccination. There are three in Crittenden County and at least two each in Livingston and Caldwell counties. Crittenden Community Hospital, Glenn’s Prescription Center and Glenn’s Apothecary, Caldwell Medical Center and Pennyrile District health departments in most area counties are taking appointments. Each vaccination site requires an appointment. Call or register online at the location of your choice.

Crittenden’s health department is tentatively scheduled to give shots on Thursdays. Livingston is Mondays.

The state wants each site to use 90 percent of its vaccine allocation within a week of a shipment's arrival. 

“When we open it up to 1C, we're going to need patience out there," Beshear said in a news conference last week. “We're gonna have more and more appointments as we go, but when we open that up at large, it's going to feel like it's really hard to get one, but we're going to get to everybody.”