Tuesday, November 24, 2020

November highest COVID month yet

Crittenden County will remain solidly in the so-called Red Zone on the state’s color-coded COVID map, but it’s not alone. Almost every county in Kentucky is in the Red.

There were nine new COVID-19 cases reported here on Monday, bringing the county’s seven-day total to 36 between Nov. 17 and Nov. 23. Based on Crittenden’s population, anything over 15 cases in a given week will turn the county red on the state’s map.

Ironically, the current map appearing on the state website, with data from last week, shows Crittenden among the only counties colored in orange. However, that’s clearly due to data lag. 

Local health officials keep a closer eye on the number of cases here. Their figures are from where we draw those reported on this website and in the newspaper.

The county has seen 73 percent of its cases in the past three months. With Monday’s latest confirmations of COVID, the county has had 254 since last spring when figures began being kept. November has been the most contagious month so far with 76 cases reported and a week to go before December. 

Crittenden reported 52 cases in October and 58 in September.